How To Know When Its Time To Repair or Replace Your Driveway

How To Know When Its Time To Repair or Replace Your Driveway

October 31, 2022

Regular maintenance of asphalt driveways is an important way to extend the life of the driveway you have invested in. It is important to know if your driveway needs repairs or a full replacement. This quick guide will provide you with information on how to tell which type of driveway improvements you need. Keep reading to learn more.


One driveway repair option is patching. Patching is considered the easiest and cheapest type of repair for a cracked asphalt driveway. When your driveway starts to show small cracks, divots, and holes, patching is a good option. Generally, the damage should be less than one-quarter inch wide for patching. This type of repair can be done with a basic liquid crack-filling compound.

Larger cracks or holes will often present more extensive damage under the surface. Even if your driveway is badly cracked, it can still be repaired. Patching will work for driveway damage that is not totally failed. During this process, a few inches are milled off the top layer of the damaged area. The damaged area must also be thoroughly cleaned. The new asphalt can then be poured, compacted, and leveled.


If the damage to the driveway is more extensive, you might need to consider resurfacing. Severe cracks and holes will not respond well to simple patching. Patching serious damage is not cost-effective because you will quickly be patching the same area again in the future.

Resurfacing is a type of repair in which the top layers of asphalt need to be completely removed. This is a good middle ground between patching and completely replacing a driveway.


Resurfacing is often a great option for most types of moderate to severe damage, but you might be wondering how to repair a driveway that is severe damage that extends down into the driveway’s foundation. Replacing an asphalt driveway may be necessary when this type of damage is present and when there are multiple problems.

Older driveways will need replacement eventually. Your driveway is exposed to force and pressure every day as well as exposure to the elements. An average driveway can be expected to last about 20 years. Having the driveway replaced after this time is a good way to increase the property’s value and decrease the need for ongoing repairs.

When To Plan Repairs

Regardless of which type of repairs you choose, it is important to time the repairs wisely. Driveway repairs should not be planned for the cold winter months or for times during the year when there is extensive rain in your area.

You can talk with driveway experts in your area to discuss which types of repairs you need and when would be the best time to schedule these repairs.

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